Over three quarters of all companies have now moved part of their systems to the cloud as high-level executives push companies to make the transition into the cloud.
Related: Cloud adoption still dogged by security worries among CIOs
An infographic produced by Cloudamour looked at cloud adoption in the offices of today and found that CEOs and MDs are pushing their companies to move to the cloud with a huge 60 per cent persuading the company to make the transition, the next highest number being the internal IT team at 23 per cent.
The push from the top has meant that 81 per cent have moved some or all of their systems to the Cloud and many more will follow once certain concerns have been addressed concerning the cloud.
Chief among these is security with a huge 73 per cent stating that this is the biggest concern when considering a move to the cloud. Meanwhile 63 per cent cited cost, 54 per cent mentioned the impact it would have on business and 45 per cent complained of the time and effort it would take to implement.
Cloudamour put various statements to companies surveyed relating to moving to the cloud and 76 per cent agreed that the move “improved our ability to work from anywhere,” 77 per cent, meanwhile, said it had a “positive impact on our business.” Lastly, 73 per cent added it “made elements of peoples jobs within the company easier.”
In addition to this, 36 per cent said that moving to the cloud has given at least one person in the company more free time and 72 per cent experienced no change to the role of IT managers after moving to the cloud.
Related: Cloud adoption to push global IT spending past $2t
43 per cent said “our lack of understanding about the cloud held back our transition,” and the three most positive elements of the cloud are cited as the ability to work from anywhere, more reliable systems, and elements of the job have become easier. Cloudamour’s survey covered advertising, marketing, media, recruitment and property SMEs over the past three months.
Image Credit: Flickr (Extra Medium)