diginomica.com is a new type of media property that seeks to differentiate based upon two main things:
The 21st century buyer is very different to that which existed in the past. Today’s buyer is just as likely to be a line of business manager as it is an IT specialist. The diginomica founders believe the new and emerging class of buyer is not well served by mass technology media.
We believe that the old world of advertising driven media models is dead and is currently in zombie mode. The relentless drive to attracting ever more eyeballs creates a race to the bottom where dwindling revenue squeezes publishers who in turn demand more content for less. It is a self defeating model because there is no attention paid to the value of anyone’s attention. The drive to ever higher page views becomes dependent upon two things – a ton of content and content creators who are driven by the catchiest headline.
Website: www.diginomica.com