The Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) NHS Trust is seeking a supplier to manage its tech transformation in a £21.4m deal.
An OJEU tender reveals the IT plan is part of a wider procurement initiative for the Trust, which is seeking to develop its HR, finance and property maintenance systems as well as IT in a five-year contract.
The portion of the contract notice dedicated to technology explains that CLCH is looking to refresh its telehealth services, as well as equipping frontline staff with mobile devices.
The tender also says CLCH is looking to procure software development, user application support and development, business systems training, application and data processing services.
“As part of the transformation project, the Trust is looking to engage a strategic partner to work with it on the transformation programme for its corporate services,” says the document.
It adds that the Trust’s objectives for the new contact are:
“Some traditional ways of delivering care have now become out-dated and inefficient,” claimed Ian Millar, director of finance and resources at CLCH.
Millar claims that the changes are much needed – not just to improve competitiveness and responsiveness – but to achieve cost savings as well.
“We are embracing the challenge of providing the same high quality, compassionate care that we are known for in new and innovative ways, so that we can deliver greater outcomes at the lowest possible cost,” Millar added.