CoreThree CEO Reveals 2015 Mobile Predictions

Dec 04, 2014

It’s that time of year when predictions for the forthcoming year will start coming thick and fast, with businesses everywhere hoping to catch the wave of whatever big tech trend is on the horizon.

Not wanting to be left out, we’ve enlisted the help of Ashley Murdoch to talk us through some of his top mobile tech predictions for 2015. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

Haves & Have Nots

Almost half the planet will have a powerful connected device in their pocket by the end of 2015. The gap will noticeably widen between companies that have addressed and adopted a smart mobile strategy and those who have not.

With around 3.5 billion people being addressable at the end of a smart-phone, can anyone really ignore the requirement for a fully integrated, dynamic and evolving mobile offering?

Store of the Future, Today

With the introduction of more ‘showroom’ style stores springing up around the globe (e.g. Amazon’s first shop in NYC), it creates a marked opportunity for retailers to overhaul their buying experience to match the unique design and layout of these stores.

By using m-payment technology, we envisage that in 2015 POP (point of purchase) could start to take over from POS in retail. Customers could soon be able to pay for items in store themselves via an app, using any geolocation-dynamic offers available, then simply walk out. No queuing, no fuss.

Wearable Usable

This is a pretty obvious one, really. Wearable tech will start to take off as more useful solutions are brought into the field. We’re working on wearable solutions for the market having already passed the proof of concept stage.

Pretty soon you’ll be able to walk onto transport, into an event or pay for your lunch with a swipe of your wrist. Apple entering the fray will drive adoption too.

Data coming of Age

I think 2015 will finally see the awakening of data usage to game-changing effect. We are working on entropy modelling and machine learning to use the big data we’re gathering along with other data sources focused on context and other areas that will produce predictions with a probability factor.

This means that our apps will become even more useful; using met office data to understand the probability of it raining, for example, means that a travel operator can provide for increased passenger demand. It won’t be enough to have a simple solution with a single function, you’ll need to harvest and utilise all relevant data in context and allow dynamic decisions to be made by integrated systems based on powerful algorithms.


Integrate more! We’ll see smarter offerings in the m-commerce market with multiple offerings being embraced through a single point of entry. Parking, ticketing, retail and F&B offers will all be accessible by the consumer through single sign-on, via their personal smart device.

It’ll be smarter, faster, highly efficient and more compelling to ensure…

The Consumer Wins

Better user experience with mobile, more focused offerings that will be personalised for each individual user. Dynamic everything; all based around user needs, desires, location, time, activity and context.

The consumer will not only receive a better, faster more useful service from whichever company they are interacting with, but they’ll be rewarded instantly for their loyalty with live offers and incentives issued directly to them, specifically for them.

Ashley Murdock is CEO of mobile technology innovator Corethree

Author: Ashley Murdoch
View the original article here.
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