Consumers Reveal They Are Happy To Share Personal Information

Oct 06, 2014

The latest research into consumer trends suggests that most UK adults are happy to share their personal data with brands, as long as the agreement is mutually beneficial and transparent.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll for the big data firm Gigya, analysed the responses of 2,000 UK citizens when asked about online privacy and personalisation.

The research found that 59 per cent of adults willingly use social logins when registering or signing in to websites, enabling brands to access some of their profile data. 84 per cent of younger respondents, specifically those aged between 18 and 34, were also happy to use their social media profiles to log in.

Patrick Salyer, CEO of Gigya, claims that in order for brands to offer products that match a consumer's personal tastes they need access to high quality data.

"Our study shows that if you ask customers for permission to use their data and explain what you are going to collect and why, you will learn more and establish a foundation of loyalty and trust," he said. "Social login gives customers control over what they share with brands while offering them convenience and saving them time."

With firms increasingly turning to big data for customer analysis and insight, the adoption of social login is set to increase. Many consumers also suggested that social logins were preferable as they saved time compared to lengthy registration forms.

The survey also found that 38 per cent of 18-34 year olds were prepared to share their personal information, providing brands explain what the data will be used for, a view shared by Gigya's CEO.

"Customers always have the right to ask, 'Why do you want to know that?'. The more times they have to ask that question, the less likely you are to earn their patronage," he said.


Author: Barclay Ballard
View the original article here.
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