South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (SDHFT) and Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust (TSDHCT) have chosen healthcare IT systems provider Ascribe to supply their unscheduled care solution.
The company’s “Ascribe Symphony” product will be used in Torbay Hospital’s emergency department and the TSDHCT minor injuries units in community hospitals across the area.
“The Trust is making a significant change by implementing Symphony,” said Dr Graham Gardner, SDHFT consultant in emergency medicine.
“We will be moving to electronic records for all patients within the emergency department (ED) to create opportunities to enhance patient care and management, including handovers to specialist services and our GP colleagues.
“In making these changes the ED will make its own contribution towards the Trust’s key outcomes of providing the safest care possible and delivering better value within our health community,” he claimed.
The contract between the organisations represents a commitment to Jeremy Hunt’s Paperless Policy by the two Trusts in question. The health secretary intends for the NHS to have replaced paper with electronic and digital by 2018.
According to Ascribe, the new solution will provide each Trust with real-time monitoring against national standards and enable users to measure improvements against key performance standards, ultimately leading to benefits for the patients.
“[We] believe that by moving to a paperless environment, trusts can prevent the human and financial costs associated with lost or illegible records,” claimed Stephen Critchlow, executive chairman of the company.
The firm also notes that its endoscopy solution is already used by SDHFT and both organisations use Microsoft SharePoint provided and supported by Ascribe.