Niche jobs board Bubble Jobs has claimed that the UK’s new digital curriculum does not reflect the current digital jobs market.
The board, which specialises in advertising digital vacancies, says the new curriculum will help prepare students for areas such as coding and web development, but it fails to cover a number of other skills currently in high demand.
“While we’re excited to see the government has finally recognised the digital skills gap and are doing something about it, we’re a bit disappointed in the syllabus which has been put together as we feel it only focuses on a small portion of the current digital jobs market,” claimed Bubble Jobs MD Adam Butwilowski.
“Just over a third of the digital jobs we’ve advertised in recent weeks call for the technical skills which are now to be taught – so while this knowledge is definitely important – we feel that other, non-coding focused skills are just as important and, as our figures show, so do employers,” he added.
In September, the UK became the first country to make computer programming compulsory on the curriculum in an attempt to address the digital skills gap.
However, Bubble Jobs has claimed that of 1400 digital jobs it has recently advertised, just 39% required “hard” technical skills such as coding and algorithms which will be taught under the new regime.
It claims that 61% of vacancies listen call for “non-programming” skills and instead as for knowledge of Photoshop, Google analytics and major CMS platforms such as Wordpress for roles in digital marketing, social media and graphic design.