Gloucester Councils Sign Shared Services Deal

May 19, 2015

Gloucester City Council and Gloucestershire County Council have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a new working partnership deal.

Under the new partnership, the two local authorities will jointly provide back office services, aiming to reduce inefficiencies and costs.

The two councils also hope that by sharing back office processes, they will be able to place more focus on delivering front line services.

While Gloucester and Gloucestershire have worked together on a number of initiatives in the past, this is the first official agreement.

The partnership is set to retain as many services as possible whilst still delivering savings in line with public consultations that revealed citizens didn’t want to lose access to important services.

“This is an agreement that will help us to build on the work we have done in recent years to make our money go further and focus on the services that people told us were important,” claimed leader of Gloucestershire County Council Councillor Mark Hawthorne.

“I am delighted that [we] have had this opportunity to formalise our council’s working relationship and am certain the residents of Gloucester and the county as a whole will benefit as a result,” he added.

Meeting Public Expectation

“The public rightly expect the two councils to work closely together and that is what we are doing more and more. The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to set out clearly the roles and responsibilities of both councils and allow us to develop our joint activities,” claimed Gloucester City Council Leader Cllr Paul James.

“I’m sure we can learn an awful lot from each other to help us deliver quality services for all our residents,” he added.

Under the share services agreement, Jon McGinty, currently deputy chief at executive of Aylesbury Vale District Council, will take up a post in July as managing director for the City Council and commissioning director for the County Council.

A study by the Local Government Associated recently claimed that UK local government bodies have saved £500m via shared services initiatives.


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