Google has announced plans to hire more than 200 security guards as official employees rather than contracted personnel, following rising concerns surrounding the income disparities between tech company employees and service workers in San Francisco.
The guards will receive the same benefits as all other Google employees, including health insurance, retirement benefits and on-site medical services.
A Google spokeswoman said, "Building an in-house security team is something we are excited to do. A year ago we in-sourced the Google security operations centre and we are looking forward to making these valued positions both full and part-time Google employees."
Alfredo Fletes, a representative of the Service Employees International Union, hailed the move, saying, "For years, service workers have been urging the tech giants to support good jobs that give everyone a fair shot at a better way a life. Google's decision is a step in the right direction."
It is hoped that this move will narrow the income gap that currently exists in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Reports have found that, whilst the median hourly wage for software developers is around $63 (£40), that of security guards is significantly lower, at only $14 (£9) an hour.