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How secure is the magical land of the cloud?
Mar 22, 2016
Believe it or not, the cloud is not a magical wonderland that protects your data, nor does it have any unique and unheard of risks. Of course, when something is ‘over there’, it feels like it’s less your problem. So many things that would have perhaps been a nagging feeling about a server you set...
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UK’s business and IT leaders are on the same page
Mar 22, 2016
Business leaders and their IT managers in the UK are more aligned on cyber security than the rest of the planet, a new survey has shown. According to a new report sponsored by VMWare, and conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit, entitled “The cyber-chasm: How the disconnect between the C-suite and security endangers the enterprise”,...
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Researchers easily hack 24 different cars
Mar 22, 2016
Thieves can probably a bunch of cars with ease, even though they have the wireless key. Those are the results of a new study done by a group of German car security researchers, looking into just how safe the wireless key is. According to a news report by Wired, wireless keys for cars are not safe at...
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French sites fighting ad blocking with user blocking
Mar 22, 2016
French media is bringing the fight to ad blocking software. According to a report by The Guardian, a number of French digital media outlets have blocked access to its content to users who run an ad blocking software or browser extension. The sites, some of which are major media publications, are part of a trade...
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How virtual reality is making the leap into real life
Mar 22, 2016
Headlines about virtual reality often focus on how it’s transforming the world of gaming. But VR is also revolutionising fields beyond entertainment — areas like medicine, architecture, education, product design, and retailing. Delivering VR is a complex challenge, especially since immersive VR requires seven times the graphics processing power of a traditional 3D application. It’s...
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Facebook gives BlackBerry the boot
Mar 22, 2016
Facebook has withdrawn support for BlackBerry 10 and BB OS as of 31 March 2016. Blackberry has indicated through its own development portal’s change log that the long awaited Facebook app updates – due to be released on 31 March – will actually be only a link to Facebook’s web application. [see_also] Facebook’s decision to...
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Apple impresses with new 9.7-inch iPad Pro
Mar 22, 2016
Apple has announced a new 9.7 inch 64-bit iPad Pro, which has the technical specifications to rival most laptops. The new iPad Pro’s most notable feature is its all-new 9.7-inch Retina display. But it is not just the new screen technology that makes the iPad Pro stand out, as the new device comes with a 64-bit...
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Is spear phishing a threat to your business security?
Mar 22, 2016
As the end of the financial year looms, many of us are looking at budgets and earmarking areas in our businesses that require spending in the next tax year. IT is one function that I know can cause some sleepless nights for CFOs looking to balance spending with positive ROI. [see_also] IT security is one...
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Company policies curbing threat intelligence sharing
Mar 22, 2016
Businesses love the idea of sharing information regarding data breaches among themselves, but rarely do so. Those are the results of the latest McAfee Labs Threat Report, published by Intel Security. According to the report, 97 per cent of companies see value in sharing this data, but more than 50 per cent can’t do it,...
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A successful Brexit would hurt the tech sector
Mar 22, 2016
If Britain were to leave the European Union, that would hurt its emerging tech sector, and hurt it badly. Those are the results of a new survey conducted by recruitment agency Talent Point. Last year, the company has registered 3,347 job seekers, with 24.73 per cent coming from the EU, mostly due to the freedom...
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