Mobile App Of The Day: Fleep

Apr 07, 2014

Social apps can often be thought of as only useful for us in our leisure time, but business people who think like that miss out on some huge opportunities. Some social apps really want to make that point clear, and aim themselves primarily at businesses.

One such app is Fleep. The name might sound more like a character from a children's book than a businessperson's smartphone app, but Fleep itself is aimed squarely at providing chat facilities for teams. At its core is a chat app that keeps past chat histories securely stored in the cloud. People don't need to sign up to Fleep to be involved in conversations – all you need is someone's email address and you can invite them to participate. People invited to chats via email can see them as an email thread.

Once people sign up to Fleep they get extras like a pinboard for important messages and a file drawer for, well, files. Fleep isn't just for smartphones – there's a web browser client, Mac and Windows app too. Find out more information at

Click here to download Fleep for Android, or here for iOS.

Product: Fleep

OS: Android, iOS

Price: Free

Author: Sandra Vogel
View the original article here.
Published under license from



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