Reading Pop-Up Innovation Hub To Launch

Aug 11, 2014

Connecting Thames Valley Connect (Connect TVT) will be launching GROW@Green Park Hub, a pop-up innovation centre for start-ups in the Reading area.

Connect TVT is a Thames Valley based project aimed at encouraging the development of new technology businesses in the area, arguing that the region is a “hot spot” but too much attention is placed on London.

The new hub, set to open 1st September, will offer tech entrepreneurs a three-month residency that includes a premium workspace, industry experts and business mentors.

It will be based at Lime Square in Reading’s Green Park and its business support programme is aimed at helping fledgling tech businesses develop new products and services.

The Park is a 195-acre business community in Reading.

Those granted residency will be able to attend a programme of events, workshops and mentoring based around their needs.

“GROW@Green Park will give technology innovators in the region the opportunity to connect with industry and business experts and have a flexible workspace where they can collaborate and make new connections,” claimed Connect TVT co-founded Louise Clarke.

Week To Celebrate “Entrepreneurs”

The hub’s launch takes place as part of the forthcoming Thames Valley Technology Entrepreneurs Week, in partnership with Oxford Properties.

This takes place from the 17th-23rd November 2014 and will see a number of events scheduled across the region designed to showcase the “vibrant” and “entrepreneurial” technology scene.

Such sessions include Internet of Things – Breakout and Brainstorm, Working Wednesday and Pop Up Start Up Boot Camp.

The event will coincide with Global Entrepreneurship Week.


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