By Gary Flood
Robot maids were once only seen in futuristic TV programmes and films, alongside flying cars - but data shows using electrical appliances to do housework is becoming the norm, claims analysis by gadget supplier
It says orders for robotic vacuum cleaners, such as Neato XV Signature Robotic Vacuum Cleaner, are up 259% on the past six months, while sales of robotic floor mopping devices, such as the iRobot BRAAVA380T Floor Mopping Robot, are also up 173% in the same period.
Such devices rely on sensor and infrared-based technology to scan rooms to map out spaces and avoid collisions with furniture and objects, says the firm, adding that many of these devices can be programmed to clean at convenient times.
That may expalin their rise in popularity, as it's also publishing details of maket research that shows one in three of a thousand British adults surveyed now "rely" on outside help with housework, while a quarter have used professional cleaning services at least once in the past, while 16% enlist the help of a cleaner on a regular basis.
41% claim their busy professional and personal lives mean they would invest in some sort of help which means they don’t have to do housework, if they could afford it. Cost is, of course, an issue - as you can expect to pay between £120 to £500 for a robotic vacuum cleaner, however, when hiring a cleaner to clean a two bedroom house can cost as much as £1470 per year (£35 weekly charge, over 42 weeks per year), these devices are often significantly more economical with regular long term use.
"It’s quite apparent from the research findings that adults in the UK no longer see cleaning as a compulsory task they must carry out themselves," commented Mark Kelly, marketing manager at
"We know that 21st century lifestyles tend to be quite busy, but it’s interesting to see how this is impacting on the choices people make about how they spend their time. Once upon a time, having an electronic device which would independently clean your house for you while you get on with your life was only a pipe dream - and even in the time since these devices became a reality, they were often seen as an expensive luxury.
"But from our sales data and the research it seems they are becoming more commonplace, and more and more people are becoming open to the idea of investing in this kind of appliance, as they make the choice to not spend their limited free time cleaning the house - and realise just how much more economical they are than hiring regular professional cleaning help."
(c) 2015