TotalMobile Signs techUK’s Interoperability Charter

Aug 21, 2015

Mobile working solutions provider TotalMobile has signed industry body techUK’s new Health and Social Care Interoperability Charter, among the first companies to do so.

techUK launched the charter last month – it sets out key principles to enable the change needed to deliver better integrated health and care.

It’s an objective encouraged by the UK government itself, which launched a new Care Act earlier this year designed to join up health and social care in a better way.

According to techUK, it’s Vision for Interoperability sets out of the changes to interoperability standards that are needed to deliver radical service transformation.

Those who sign the Vision document claim to be committed to ensuring that their information systems are neither financial nor technical obstacles and instead act as enablers of change in support of integrated care.

The five key principles outlined in the charter are:

  • We will make available to other suppliers and the NHS, the technical specifications of our interfaces without charge
  • Where there is customer demand we agree to co-operate without charge with other suppliers in developing interfaces
  • We will not reinvent the wheel and will use internationally recognised standards where relevant
  • We will only charge reasonable and proportionate fees to the end user for Licensing, Implementation and Support services required for the interfaces
  • Where new interfaces or enhancements to existing interfaces are required, we will not charge the NHS twice for the same software development.

The charter also asks for some cooperation the NHS and local government in return, by guaranteeing that nationally defined interoperability standards are based internationally recognised standards and accreditation or compliance testing is kept light touch and free.

TotalMobile Support Interoperability

“TotalMobile looks forward to working with techUK and the rest of the Charter signatories to address this challenge,” claimed Colin Reid, the firm’s chief executive.

“We are committed to ensuring information systems are a key enabler of integrated care, radically improving the way services are delivered across the NHS. Full interoperability is a key part of this,” he added.

Earlier this year, TotalMobile hosted a discussion panel explaining and discussing the benefits of mobile working in the healthcare sector.


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