In a bid to generate £6.55m in annual savings and support more efficient shared services, London’s Tri-Borough partnership of councils will be “deleting” the CIO role.
The move comes as part of the group’s revised ICT strategy which includes a new operating model that is set to be implemented on April 1st 2015.
The three local authorities involved in the partnership are Hammersmith and Fulham, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council, which will all now be served by a single ICT shared service management team.
Currently, there is a single leader for ICT services across the three boroughs and one CIO, with their own management team, for each borough reports directly to this leader.
According to the Tri-Borough, there is a “disconnect between the three sovereign” ICT functions, which is why it has decided to restructure the way IT services are delivered.
To replace the current model of leadership, it is developing a “divisional leadership team” where the director for procurement and IT strategy, head of information systems division, head of business technology and head of IS strategy, as well as the CIO role, will be removed.
Instead, the new leadership team will consist of head of business partnering, head of digital services, head of information management, head of operations, head of ICT portfolio management and head of strategy and enterprise architecture.
Implementing to new IT strategy is expected to cost £143,000 in total with an estimate of £35,000 spent per management change.
The strategy document claims that the changes are meant to be “inclusive and easy to extend to further partners,” adding that there have already been successes in establishing wider shared services and joint working.