Windows 10 might not be out as soon as previous speculation has indicated, at least according to the latest buzz about Microsoft’s upcoming desktop OS.
Reuters has reported that Chief Operating Officer at Redmond, Kevin Turner, told the Nikkei news service that autumn is the target date for the release of Windows 10 – which is, of course, the time when Windows 8 was released. He specifically said early autumn, which hints at September being the month.
Turner has previously said that it could make a late summer rather than autumn release, but presumably that possibility is now off the cards – or someone told him off for suggesting it.
A consumer version of Windows 10 will be shown off next month, as opposed to the Technical Preview which has thus far been downloaded and played with. It will carry a revamped UI (which handles the transition between touch and traditional desktop better), enhanced security, and digital assistant Cortana.
The latter is Microsoft’s answer to Siri on Windows Phone, and we recently published a piece on whether it will really be relevant on a desktop platform. Check out: Leaked Windows 10 build includes Cortana – but do we care?
As far as businesses are concerned, the bolstered security will be the biggest boon, that and the hopefully smoothed over interface, something Microsoft has been working on for a considerable time with constant tweaks to Windows 8’s UI.