You All Set For A, Er, Zombie Internet?!

Jan 20, 2016

Internet zombies might not be the same as ‘classic’, ‘offline’ or ‘physical’ zombies as they’re not really going for your brains (or your virtual brains, for that matter) but, unlike traditional zombies, these things are for real.

That’s what cyber-security firm Radware says in its Global Application and Network Security Report 2015-2016 – the age of the ‘Internet of Zombies’ is upon us.

The Internet of Zombies is actually an advanced type of DDoS attacks – named Advanced Persistent Denial of Service (APDos), and the ‘zombie’ part of it is in the fact that the attackers can leave the attack to run for days or weeks at a time.

Businesses are, as you might imagine, unprepared for the outbreak –  60 per cent of surveyed companies said they’re prepared for the traditional attack, but not for the APT (APT) that the Internet of Zombies brings.

And yes, the word ‘outbreak’ is perfect for this example – the report says that last year more than 90 per cent of companies surveyed experienced a cyber-attack, half of which said they were victims of the APDoS, up from 27 per cent in 2014.

Radware’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) says these APDoS attacks, or ‘burst bots’ will be the fastest growing type of attack this year.

Adrian Crawley, regional director for Northern EMEA at Radware, believes that as hacking becomes more automated, businesses will need to find ways to fight the ‘Internet of Zombies’, “This year things will change and the first line of defence for information security will no longer include people. As company defences continue to succumb to endless floods of sophisticated, automated attacks and new attack techniques, CSOs will need to combine a virtual cyber army with skills. People are simply not equipped to make the decisions quickly enough to fight back on the front line. We are approaching the fall of human cyber defences and the rise of cyber botted-defence. The age of the Internet of Zombies is here and businesses will need to quickly adapt their approach.”

Author: Sead Fadilpašic
View the original article here.
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