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And Now It's Robot Venture Capitalists!
Telefónica Open Future_ and BigML have announced the creation of a platform which predicts if a start-up business will be successful or not.
Autonomous Vehicles Seem To Be Winning Hearts And Minds
A majority of Brits recently polled say they wouldn’t mind using driverless cars – with only 12% saying they'd never get in one.
Google AI Team Claims Videogame Robot Breakthrough
Firm's UK AI arm, DeepMind, says its built a system capable of 'human-level' performance at games like Space Invaders.
Google Swoops On Oxford AI Talent
DeepMind, its January UK AI acquisition, strengthened with a link up with two Oxford spin-offs in computer vision and language research.
Hawking, Musk Raise Military AI Warning Flag
IT and science luminaries say we need more oversight on AI, lest SkyNet rise.
HP and Google To Offer An 'Enterprise Siri'
HP and Google have struck a new partnership for the creation of a brand new digital assistant – not dissimilar to Siri – aimed at the enterprise.
IBM Ups Exposure Of Watson Super AI System
Big Blue is investing a billion dollars into what is now its 'Watson Group' of resources around its top-end compute offering.
IBM Working On AI Software To Mimic Human Brain
IBM already has Watson, the virtual assistant that is helping businesses with analytics and performance, but it wants another artificial intelligence system to help identify robotic problems and product yield rates.
Interesting New AI Prize Offered With IBM's Help
The “IBM Watson A.I. Xprize: A Cognitive Computing Competition” is offering a $5m bonus for some smart thinking.
Now, IBM's AI System's A Fitness Coach, Too
IBM’s technology platform uses natural language processing and machine learning to reveal insights from large amounts of unstructured data - and has a new topic to help us with, it seems.
Opinion: Those 'Robots' On The High St? You're Gonna Love 'Em
Promising significant benefits for both retailers and consumers, AI is already around us and used everyday within shopping and payments, claims market Gravity CEO Gideon Hyde.
'Robots' Join Fight Against Islamic State, Reports BBC
Artificial intelligence is getting the better of ISIS, with researchers using it to better understand the extremist group's strategy.
Smart Robots Want The Weatherman's Job Now
New machine-based technology will be used for “hyper-local and super-accurate weather forecasting," we're informed.
UK AI Firm Bought By Google
London-based AI (artificial intelligence) company DeepMind has been bought by Google in a deal reportedly worth £240m.
UK Professionals Would Like An AI Personal Assistant
Forget Siri or Cortana, we’re talking about the future where a more sophisticated virtual assistant could handle basic admin tasks off its own back.
What's The Real Contribution Of AI Going To Be?
Huge developments in artificial intelligence over the last few years make us feel fearful. Is this the best reaction, though?

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