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CERT Warning Over New Backoff PoS Malware
The freshly spotted malware is very much under the radar of current antivirus engines, and it can scrape customer data such as credit card details from PoS systems.
CERT-UK Set To Tackle Cyber Threats With New Partnership
As the issue of cyber-security continues to hold prominence, security and risk management consultancy firm Falanx Group has recently announced a new two-year contract to provide managed cyber defence services to CERT-UK.
Malware Bug Hits ObamaCare Server
Hackers installed malware on a test server that was designed to be able to launch DDoS attacks, although it was never actually used to do so.
Security Flaws Could Give Hackers Control Of Power Plants And Oil Rigs
A discovery by security firm Rapid7 has revealed that the heavy machinery at more than 7,000 industrial complexes is operating on easily-hackable software that could be remotely controlled.
UK And Australian Governments Urge Surfers To Avoid Internet Explorer
More governments across the globe have joined the US in warning citizens away from Internet Explorer, including the UK’s Computer Emergency Response Team.

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