George Osborne confirmed that plans for a £1 billion green energy scheme were ongoing during his 2015 Budget speech.
How can we reduce the carbon footprint of electronics manufacturing? A heated forum at the centre of Taitronics 2014 in Taiwan thinks it has found the solution.
The search engine has announced the deal, in partnership with SunEdison, which will bring its spending on renewable energy up to more than $1.5 billion across three continents.
The UK government has published its 2014 Annual Green Government ICT Report, revealing that it believes much progress has been made but there is still more to be done.
A report by environmental charity Greenpeace has investigated the green credentials of tech companies, singling out Amazon as having the “dirtiest cloud” services.
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) has begun work on refreshing its datacentre, aiming to enable a hybrid IT cloud approach, provide high-availability services to student and hit environmental targets.
Internet companies might not seem like major contributors to pollution, but Greenpeace is not letting them have a free ride, in a new report showing how some companies are much cleaner than others when it comes to energy.
The University of Reading has received £13 million to launch the facility, which plans to turn complex environmental datasets from satellite research into commercially viable ideas.
In what seems like a somewhat contradictory move, the Dutch firm has announced it is developing solar equipment in order to recover heavy crude oil more easily and more cheaply.
Apple’s efforts to use clean, renewable energy have been recognised by the international non-governmental environmental organisation Greenpeace.