UK telecoms giant BT is set to offer social housing tenants low cost Broadband connections with the launch of a new shared Internet service.
"Digital channels offer an efficient way for residents to interact with the council," it says.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Select Committee has released a report that calls for a series of actions from the Department to address concerns about Universal Credit (UC).
Sharing Universal Credit (UC) claimant information with social landlords and local authorities help them provide better support to tenants.
The UC Digital Transformation Project seeks to use digital services to overhaul the welfare system and unify six benefits into one.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has responded to the recent hard hitting Work and Pensions Committee report on its biggest but most controversial IT project, Universal Credit (UC).
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has laid out its next steps for the troubled Universal Credit programme, including a roll out to the North West.
Government watchdog the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has warned that 20 major government IT projects, including G-Cloud, require urgent action.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has allegedly been paying staff to stay at home for three months following a tax credit systematic IT failure.
The Major Projects Authority (MPA) has been accused of disguising Universal Credit (UC) in a “veil of secrecy” after failing to rate it.
The Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its 2015 annual report, revealing that over 20 major government IT projects are still at risk.
MPs have expressed concerns that housing benefit issues are “seriously undermining” government attempts to reduce fraud with the Universal Credit (UC) programme.
The National Audit Office (NAO) has warned that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is at risk of tacking up a multi-billion pound IT bill if Universal Credit (UC) is delayed any further.
Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has told the Parliamentary Work and Pensions Select Committee that the Universal Credit (UC) benefits scheme could be complete by 2018.
Smart TVs, smartphone apps and social media have all been used to access information about the Universal Credit (UC) scheme, according to new research.
The rollout of Universal Credit (UC) – a scheme that combines six benefits into one payment – will be “paused” if the Labour Party gains power in the next election.
Almost 1500 members of staff that work on the controversial Universal Credit project are set to strike for two over “increasingly oppressive” working conditions.
Employees working on the government’s Universal Credit (UC) benefit reform have revealed they consider the programme to be an “unmitigated failure” due to problems with technology underpinning it.
Last week, Channel 4's 'Dispatches' seemed to uncover some disturbing signs that the government's biggest IT project, Universal Credit, may be in trouble. Project management expert Brian Wareham tells us just how much...