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EU May Block Cameron's Internet Tirade Against Porn
In 2012, David Cameron introduced proposals for new pornography filters that would block adult content automatically, forcing Internet users to contact their Internet service provider if they wanted to unlist from the filter.
Four Key Data Insights From The #GE2015 Campaign
Tableau’s Andy Cotgreave is a data fanatic. During the 2015 UK General Election campaign, Andy was busy mining the rich seams of social media data.
GCHQ Director Says Organisation Doesn't Have The Manpower To Spy On Everyone
Speaking a few weeks before the Snooper’s Charter is set to be pushed into Parliament, Government Communication Headquarters director general for cyber security Ciaran Martin claims reports on the power of the intelligence agency are greatly exaggerated.
What The New Government Means For Telecoms
So, apparently there’s been an election going on today. If you happen to have missed it, David Cameron and the Conservatives have officially gained a majority vote, prompting the resignations of rival leaders Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage.

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