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"Let Users Decide Over Data" Says Germany To Google
A privacy watchdog for Hamburg, who was speaking on behalf of the entire country, has ruled that Google needs to allow users further control of how data is aggregated.
Amazon Deutschland Hit By Industrial Action
Employees at four of Amazon’s German distribution centres stage co-ordinated strike action after the company refuses to hold wage talks.
An Innovation Celebration: SAP Quality Awards 2014 Kick Off In Germany
The 2014 SAP Quality Awards are today in progress at the SAP headquarters in Walldorf, Germany, where innovation is the word of the day. ITProPortal is on the ground to bring you more.
Brit Retailers Pretty Good At This Social Media Malarkey
When it comes to retailers and social media, the US takes the crown, but the UK is not far behind, says social commerce network Pepper.
Cloud Backup Causes Concern For European SMEs
Almost 60 per cent of companies in Western Europe cited security as a major concern when it comes to backing up data in the cloud.
European Counterparts Overtake UK Companies In Big Data Race
A survey produced by OnePoll has shown that UK companies are slow to embrace new types of big data compared with those companies based in Germany and France.
Forget Self-Driving Cars: Are You Ready For Self-Driving Lorries?
A DfT proposal has been drafted that could see computerised “road trains” of lorry convoys on British roads as early as 2015.
Germany Setting Up Driverless Car Laws
German transport minister Alexander Dobrindt has announced plans to make new laws for the legalisation of driverless cars on German autobahns in the next five years.
Germany To Introduce "Digital Highway" For Self Driving Cars
Germany is looking to make sure that its association with the automobile industry is future-proof after announcing support for self-driving vehicles.
Germany To Promote Wi-Fi Via New Bill
If you’ve ever been to Germany, you know it’s more likely you’ll stumble upon the World Cup trophy somewhere along the way, than to find a Wi-Fi internet connection in a cafe or a hotel somewhere.
Nationwide Anti-Piracy Raids Hit Germany
Cologne’s Public Prosecutor announced that more than 400 officers were involved in searching 121 apartments across 14 states, targeting users of online file-sharing forum Boerse.
UK Firms Trail European Average For Data Protection
UK companies are lagging behind their European counterparts when it comes to information risk and protecting sensitive information despite a number of high profile data breaches.
What Do UK Internet Users Fear The Most?
A survey showed that over half of UK Internet users don’t truly understand how the Internet works and despite that many are enthusiastic about the Smart Cities of the future.

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