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Cloud Vendors Protest Big Uncle Sam VMware Military IT Deal
Amazon Web Services, Citrix and Nutanix all up in arms at move to put VMware at centre of huge chunk of Fed procurement mechanisms.
Facebook And The Battle Against European Data Collection
Facebook is about to enter a major case against “Europe” over the collection of European citizen’s data under the “PRISM” programme.
Hotels Are Cyber Attack Havens Claims US Secret Service
Hotel operators have been warned in a non-public advisory from the US Secret Service to be alert to the possibility of maliciously planted malware in their business centres’ PCs.
Microsoft Refuses To Give Data From Irish Servers To US Government
Microsoft is continuing to stand up for itself in a legal battle over whether US authorities should be allowed to use a warrant to extract data from servers which are abroad.
Obama Wants New Data Hacking And Student Privacy Laws
President Obama wants to push new laws through Congress on data hacking, student privacy and customer advertising profiles, reinforcing digital security, according to an official from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Uncle Sam Sets Up Tech Disaster 'A Team'
US Digital Service (USDS) set up to help quickly clean up Federal IT screw-ups like the controversial 'Obamacare' website.
US Government Fines Yahoo For PRISM Resistance
This latest revelation shines some light on the coersive methods used by the US government to force or cajole tech companies operating on US soil into cooperating with the programme.

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