Everyone knows that nation-states wage cyber warfare against each other.
We all know that network capacity is abundant, and that data is everywhere. Today, the world’s information workers communicate across continents, collapsing barriers imposed by time and geography.
France had recently ordered the search engine giant Google to extend the people’s ‘right to be forgotten’ and allow the people to remove posts from the websites, meaning people could remove their embarrassing content from websites worldwide.
The demand for smartphones, globally, has reached its peak in Q4 of 2015 – up 14 per cent since last quarter, and 6 per cent since last year, says market analysts GfK.
The Red Devils picks tech chum to improve the experience of its 659m global fan base, it's claimed.
The world is getting smaller and, with what feels like the ever-accelerating pace of business, organisations need to keep up as many teams are located across continents.
If you’ve ever wondered how many internet users there are across the globe, then you’ll be interested to learn that new research from We Are Social has pinned a number on that amount.