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A Round-Up Of The General Election 2015 Manifestos
It’s general election time and the chance for the UK’s main political parties to convince the general public that they’re worth voting for.
Are Digital Economy Pledges Just The “Same Old Songs”?
Last week, the Labour and Conservative parties issued their 2015 general election manifestos, with several pledges focused on the UK digital economy.
Does The Quality Of UK Political Party Websites Match Up With Their Digital Manifestos?
All three major UK political parties, Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, have included digital and technology agendas within their manifestos, but do their websites match up with their promises?
Four Key Data Insights From The #GE2015 Campaign
Tableau’s Andy Cotgreave is a data fanatic. During the 2015 UK General Election campaign, Andy was busy mining the rich seams of social media data.
How Does The General Election 2015 Look From The Tech Sector?
We’ve read the manifestos, heard the promises and seen the leaders in action and now it’s our turn. 
Is UK Plc's Tech Side Losing Out From Immigration Worries?
Is there too much rhetoric around immigration in our sector, and not enough realism? The UK Tech sector seems to think so
Labour 'Digital Activists' Publish £10BN E-Vision
This week's Labour Party Conference in Manchester has seen a radical set of proposals for making the UK the world's pre-eminent 'digital economy' within just five years of a potential return to power next May.
Labour MP Concerned About Take-Up Of IER
Labour MP Stephen Twigg has appeared before the House of Commons to explain the reservations he has about the Individual Electoral Registration (IER) scheme.
Labour Unveils 'Digital Britain 2015' Plans
The party's Shadow Cabinet Office Minister, Chi Onwura, unveils plans for a framework for "transforming" digital government.
Labour Wants Gold Standard Technical Baccalaureate
The Labour Party has published its £50m Education Manifesto, revealing that it wishes to create a new gold-standard Technical Baccalaureate for 16-18 year olds.
Labour Wants To Bring Local Government To GOV.UK
The Labour Party has revealed its digital government reform would include moving the websites of local authorities onto the GOV.UK platform.
Labour: We'll Foster Greater 'Internet Based Democracy'
Labour announces "fundamental rethinking" of Web based electoral participation.
Newcastle MP Slams Rip-Off Government Websites
Labour MP for Newcastle Chi Onwurah wants a hard crackdown on websites pretending to official government sites, claiming the “rip off” the public.
ODI: Open Data To Play Key Role In Next Government
The Open Data Institute (ODI), an organisation that promotes open data culture, has claimed that open data will play a key role in any future UK government.
Survey Maps Broadband Speed By Constituencies
Those living in Labour-controlled constituencies are more like to have faster broadband, according to new research.
UK Voters Expressing Political Opinions Via Social Media
Britain appears to have experienced a cultural shift in the age of social media as a recent NetNames consumer poll revealed that around 28 per cent of the British population share their allegiances or opinions on politics through social media.
Universal Credit Set To Encounter More Problems
The rollout of Universal Credit (UC) – a scheme that combines six benefits into one payment – will be “paused” if the Labour Party gains power in the next election.

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