A consortium of 12 local authorities has deployed an evidence-based solution that has allowed it to identify higher than projected levels of fraud and error in benefits systems.
New research shows a lack of trust in brick and mortar retailers as well as an increased thirst to be made aware when suspicious activity takes place on an account.
Service will help councils trace debtors when they have left a property and provided no forwarding address by taking debtor data and running it through a number of Equifax data checks and queries to identify where that person is now living.
$190m fine levied by the Securities and Exchange Commission over NPfIT vendor's over-egged promise of NHS contract revenue.
IT managers may already have a massive workload on their plate, and apparently telecoms is being added to that in many cases.
A number of suspected cyber criminals have been arrested in the UK, as part of a co-ordinated “strike week.”
Visa and Mastercard are planning to get rid of their current online security verification system, and replace it with something a bit more modern and secure.
10Fold recently evaluated the seven largest breaches this year - and found that hackers had absconded with more than 193.4 million personal records.