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Infographic: 5 Industries Rocked By The Web
The digital revolution has resulted in disruption to many industries, with whole new business models created, new brands rising to the top of many industries and those companies failing to adapt, falling by the wayside. But who's most affected?
Is The UK Ready For Digital Revolution Outlined In Party Manifestos?
Technology and investment in the UK’s digital future has been at the forefront of each of the three main parties’ manifestos this time around.
Opinion: Can The NHS Deal With Digital Or Not?
Nik Stanbridge, VP Marketing for Arkivum, has his doubts.
Staying Ahead Of The Pack In The Digital Age
The subscription business model is an ongoing trend.
UK Job Centres Soon To Have Biometric Devices
DWP, after a London trial, hopes extension of in-centre tech will help job seekers find employment, claim benefits easier.

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