Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey has urged businesses to apply for £3000 broadband grants before it’s too late.
The government has committed to a range of pilot projects in all corners of the country that will help to bring broadband to hard to reach areas.
Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), a government project to supply 95% of the UK with superfast broadband by 2017, has reached the Isle of Wight.
The record was set in a laboratory in Belgium with speeds of 10Gbps achieved and it’s claimed this could reduce fibre-optic costs in big cities.
Broadband is central to almost all businesses in the UK and choosing the right ISP can become a major factor in a successful start up.
And plenty of folks are unhappy with the monopoly BT has been given when it comes to delivering broadband out to the sticks.
Telecoms giant BT has claimed more funding is required if high quality broadband is to reach rural areas in Devon, Somerset and Cornwall.
An investigation into BT Group’s shared super-fast broadband—which companies like Sky and Talk Talk acquire to offer broadband in more areas—has lead Ofcom to announce new regulations against the group.
BT plans to pay back £127 million of the £1.7 billion government contract to local councils, as part of a “claw-back” clause in the contract.
Chancellor George Osborne revealed that the UK economy grew faster than any other advanced economy in yesterday’s Budget, but is it all good news?
For those who work from home, ultrafast broadband has been a real game changer in Cotswold Internet hive of activity Northmoor.
The City of London Corporation, an organisation that looks after the capital city on behalf of those who live, work and visit it, thinks not enough is being done to provide superfast broadband.
Oxford says 'Li Fi' - harnessing light to transfer information at high speeds through the air could open up the next wave of superfast wireless.
Digital Scotland has announced that some 145,000 Scottish homes and business will be the next in line to get high speed fibre connections, in the latest phase of its Superfast Broadband programme.
The Digital Durham initiative is celebrating 36,000 homes and businesses benefitting from the rollout of fibre broadband in the area since it was launched a year ago.
The European Commission (EC) has signed a document containing measures intended to cut costs in the rollout of superfast broadband across the EU.
Essex County Council has recently awarded a contract for the provision of ultrafast broadband with speeds of up to 1Gbps to over 4500 homes and businesses across Epping Forest.
Further government funding has been made available to move forward with the rollout of superfast broadband in Northern Ireland, following similar progress in Wales and Scotland in recent times.
Broadband and phone line faults will have to be repaired in one to two business days in 70 per cent of cases and this will rise to 80 per cent in 2016.
The communications regulator wants to apply a number of rules and regulations on Openreach to make sure that the UK’s broadband roll out continues at a fast pace.