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Google Is Tracking Private Emails In Illegal Content Search
It has been revealed that the search engine giant searches users' Gmail accounts for illegal images, after a convicted sex offender was arrested in the US for child abuse images.
Seven Out Of Ten UK Citizens Fear For Their Online Security
For every ten British adults, seven are seriously concerned about the privacy of their online data and fear it might get stolen by hackers, a new study has revealed.
Teenagers Pushing Online Privacy Trend
Governments, organisations and polls have all tried to suggest young people do not care about online privacy, and would happily give up a few pieces of information for the right to “safety” on the web.
Women More Worried About Hosting Data Online Than Men
I don’t know if it’s because the Fappening was all about female celebrities, or if women are generally more aware when it comes to protecting their online privacy, but a new study would suggest the latter.

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