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'12 Million' Of Us Lacking Digital Survival Skills, Claims Study
Go.On UK, a charity set up to promote digital skills, raises spectre of huge and on-going 'digital divide.'
Forget Self-Driving Cars: Are You Ready For Self-Driving Lorries?
A DfT proposal has been drafted that could see computerised “road trains” of lorry convoys on British roads as early as 2015.
Inward Investment Into UK IT Scene Booming, Says Study
Venture capital investment into Britain’s technology sector has reached a record high - with London-based companies managing to secure around three quarters per cent of the $2.2bn (£1.43bn) raised by UK firms since the beginning of this year.
Poll: UK Citizens Unhappy About Lack Of Data Ownership
Almost nine in ten (89 per cent) of us think they should be able to control what data a company collects about them online, and what it uses this data for, according to findings from a YouGov online survey on behalf of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.
UK Voters Expressing Political Opinions Via Social Media
Britain appears to have experienced a cultural shift in the age of social media as a recent NetNames consumer poll revealed that around 28 per cent of the British population share their allegiances or opinions on politics through social media.
Will Brits Flock To Supercheap Smartphones?
A new smartphone company called Wileyfox hopes to achieve success by offering cheap smartphone models with good enough hardware specs, Chinese market-style.

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