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Amazon Web Services Invests In Huge Solar Farm
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is about to become a lot more environmentally friendly after announcing the construction of an 80 megawatt solar farm.
BT Signs Green Energy Agreement
The company will source 100 megawatts of wind-powered energy from three sites across the country that will supply much of its output in Scotland and Wales.
Budget 2015: £1bn Tidal Energy Plans
George Osborne confirmed that plans for a £1 billion green energy scheme were ongoing during his 2015 Budget speech.
Elon Musk - A Mission To Change All Our Futures?
With his plan for a way to deliver sustainable energy to US homes with his 'Powerwall,' the billionaire's commitment to innovation seems to be unstoppable
Google Invests $145 In Latest Solar Power Project
The search engine has announced the deal, in partnership with SunEdison, which will bring its spending on renewable energy up to more than $1.5 billion across three continents.
Shell's $53m Solar Power Investments Intends To Boost Oil Production
In what seems like a somewhat contradictory move, the Dutch firm has announced it is developing solar equipment in order to recover heavy crude oil more easily and more cheaply.
Tesla Signs Up Amazon, Walmart For Business Version Of Its New Super-Battery
Step forward the Powerpack - claimed to be so scalable it could 'power an entire city\
The Clean Energy Revolution: Why Should IT Care?
Despite a multitude of technological advances, the uptake of new energy technologies has remained sluggish and erratic at best. What's stopping mass adoption?
The Most Environmentally Friendly Tech Companies According To Greenpeace
Apple’s efforts to use clean, renewable energy have been recognised by the international non-governmental environmental organisation Greenpeace.

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