Birmingham City Council has renegotiated its outsourced Service Birmingham contract, with the aim of saving £150m over a seven-year period.
The Cabinet Office has claimed that over £200m has been saved by improving the government’s digital services from 2013-2014.
The Government Efficiency and Reform Group has published a new report which claims the government has achieved £18.6bn in savings for taxpayers in 2014/15.
Health Minister Dr Daniel Poulter has claimed the NHS can realise a further £1bn of savings if it improves the way it handles procurement.
Hull City Council has revealed it is planning a £5m IT upgrade, including a mobile strategy, with the help of consultants.
A Parliamentary report claims UK councils could save £1.8bn a year by improving the way goods and services are procured.
Group Business Development Director at public sector outsourcing specialist Civica Paul Bradbury has been doing some crystal ball gazing.
While some businesses saw an increase in revenue of more than £6 million, others struggle mining big data archives, a new study has shown.
Research by UK cloud services company Skyscape claims to have found that the cost of running cloud is significantly less than traditional on-premise solutions.
Eighty-nine per cent of local authorities across the UK now share services, a new research by Citrix has shown.