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Banks: Massive IT Investment To Address Digital Growth Not Needed
While it’s clear that a number of banks are lumbered with outdated IT, there are technologies available that could revitalise legacy systems without the need for massive investment.
Budget 2015: What Does It Mean For The Public Sector, Technology And Business?
Chancellor George Osborne revealed that the UK economy grew faster than any other advanced economy in yesterday’s Budget, but is it all good news?
Cloud “Most Disruptive Force” For 20 Years
Cloud computing is one of the most disruptive forces in business in 20 years, according to a study by professional services firm KPMG.
Connected Cars Expected To Create 320k UK Jobs By 2030
Self-driving cars will lead to the creation of 320,000 new jobs in the UK by 2030, according to the latest research by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).
Demand For IT Staff Remains High
The Report on Jobs by professional services provider KPMG and the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) claims a UK skills shortage has led to the sharpest growth in demand for IT staff last month since 1998.
Demand For IT Staff Slows Down
A new jobs report published by KPMG and the Recruitment Employment Confederation (REC) has revealed that the demand for permanent and temporary IT workers has slowed, although the rate of expansion remained historically strong throughout November.
Demand For IT Workers Slowing Down, But Still High
The latest KPMG Report on Jobs showed that the demand for permanent and temporary IT workers is still at one of the highest levels since August 1998 despite slower-than-expected growth.
Growing Demand For Jobs In IT Sector
A new report has pointed to an increased level of demand for IT staff in the UK, which is obviously good news for those hunting for a job in the information technology sector.
Internet Of Things Will Lead To Big Brother-Style Surveillance Fear UK Consumers
According to a new survey by KPMG, consumers are increasingly concerned that technology is dominating their lives, with many desiring a return to “simple” devices.
IT Worker Demand At Second Highest Level Since 1998
A Report on Jobs published by KPMG in conjunction with the Recruitment & Employment Confederation found that demand for permanent IT workers hit 69.8 per cent in September.
KPMG and Oracle Bring Finance And Tax To The Cloud
The joint initiative, which will be known as “KPMG Powered Finance,” hopes to bring cloud-based financial processing, analytics and reporting tools to FTSE 350 organisations.
KPMG And Rackspace Open Science To Data Science School
The first intake of 85 students have arrived at the school and all of them come from a range of PhD subject backgrounds that are able to be shaped into data science roles.
Last Five Years Been Good For UK Tech Sector, Says KPMG
The number of tech-related enterprises in the UK private sector has risen by 31 per cent since 2010, according to the latest KPMG/Markit Tech Monitor UK Survey, for example - just one of many positive metrics.
Met Chooses Command And Control System Suppliers
The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) says it has chosen a group of suppliers to deliver a new command and control system in a £90m contract.
SME Bosses Failing To Get Employees Adequately Cyber-Safety Aware
Are UK SMEs failing to properly train staff on how to stop critical cyber breaches?
Technology Business Activity Slows Down In UK
The UK tech sector has been surging over the past two years, with large gains in revenue, profit, capital expenditure (capex) and investment.
UK Adults Happy To Share Data With NHS, But Not Third Parties
Nearly three quarters of UK adults are happy to share data with their wearable devices with their GP, while 48% would allow the NHS to add their medical records to a single national database.
UK Among Most Competitive Locations For Business
The UK is the fourth most competitive international location for business, according to a new report by professional services provider KPMG.
UK Tech Sector “Firing On All Cylinders”
The UK technology industry has experienced a strong quarter from April to June 2014 as business activity rises at its fastest pace since 2007.

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