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Are UK Businesses Failing To Realise The Potential Of Workplace Wi-Fi?
Just a few short years ago, working life heavily revolved around the office as the hub of all activity.
Businesses Vulnerable Due To Sloppy Smartphone Care
Research by Imation finds 44% of organisations believe a member of their senior management has lost a mobile device in the last year, and 39% think someone in senior management had a device stolen.
BYOD "Flourishing" As Company Data "Grows Wings"
Pick up any business or technology publication and you’ll read about how BYOD (bring your own device) raises a number of data protection concerns due to the fact that devices are owned by the user rather than the employer.
Companies Still Making Little Progress On Workplace Device Management
Millions of employees worldwide are using their own devices within the workplace, but little progress has been made by major corporates to manage the security risk, according to a security survey.
Three Billion Wearable Sensors Inside Ten Years?
According to new research, more than three billion sensors will be strapped to our bodies by 2025, from movement sensors on.

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