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"Nothing Is Off The Table" Warns Microsoft CEO
Satya Nadella wrote to all members of staff about a shift in company culture that goes to the very root of his plan to create a mobile-first, cloud-first firm.
Azure Taken Down By Series Of Issues
Customers in Japan, the US and Brazil were worst affected by outages that hit all facets of the cloud service - and which made complete parts of the service unavailable for hours at a time.
'Buy! Buy! Buy!' Is The Goldman Sachs View On Microsoft
The investment banking firm thinks the new core businesses of Azure, Windows and Office have 'righted a wrong' when it comes to MSFT's strategy.
Microsoft CEO Reshuffles Pack To Reflect Mobile-First, Cloud-First Policy
Satya Nadella has appointed senior executives to head up the cloud and enterprise group, devices group, and Xbox group in order to make sure it's in the position to capitalise on the new strategy.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's UK 'Debut' Short On Specifics, Say Audience
Microsoft CEO took to the stage at London's Excel centre for his first UK speech - but did he actually say anything?
Microsoft Launches Mobile Office On Android Before Windows
As the company continues its cross-platform strategy, Microsoft is set to release the Android version of its touch-optimised Office suite before the Windows variant.
Microsoft Offers Cloud Resources To Ebola Vaccine Discovery Service
CEO Satya Nadella told a gathering in San Francisco that the firm will allow companies and academics to use its cloud computing and research apps to fight the disease.
Microsoft: Yeah, Sorry About Nokia. But Look At Them Cloud Numbers!
Microsoft might have reported its biggest loss ever thanks to the Nokia acquisition, but has simultaneously reported great revenue in the cloud front.
Scott Guthrie Confirmed As New Microsoft Azure Head Honcho
Satya Nadella has announced the appointment of Scott Guthrie to fill the position at the head of Microsoft's cloud and enterprise division Azure.
Top Tech CEOs Choose Not Attend Obama's Cyber Security Summit
A cyber security and consumer protection summit led by US President Obama last month was universally snubbed by movers and shakers in the tech industry.
Windows 10 And The Future Of Microsoft
Everyone loves a freebie and behind all the hoopla about Cortana and the arrival of the truly-revolutionary HoloLens, Microsoft unveiled Windows 10.

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