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Are NHS Health Apps Still Insecure?
Last year it was revealed that many of the apps featured in the NHS Health app store were corrupted - and now it seems it still hasn't addressed the issue properly.
Connected Health Needs Better Security, Say Experts
Identifying health IT potential safety and security threats, carrying out rigorous testing and trying to anticipate problems before they happen - can we really make all this happen?
Does The Stand-Up Working Thing Really Work or Not?
Nick Holder, Platform Development Manager at Adapt, has a fascinating personal story to tell us.
French Watchdog Claims 3D Tech Is "Harmful To Children"
Children under the age of 13 should have limited access to 3D material as it could prove harmful to their developing eyesight, warns French watchdog ANSES.
Google To Add Medical Info In Searches
When users search Google for common health concerns, they’ll receive information immediately in the search engine’s Knowledge Graph.
GP Warns Health Apps Might Do More Harm
The British Medical Journal has organised a debate on the topic of “Can healthy people benefit from health apps?”, and invited two people.
IBM Teams Up With Apple For Healthcare Programme
IBM is launching a new service, the Watson Health Cloud to help health professionals get better insights into their client’s health, the company announced on Wednesday.
Is The NHS Ignoring The G-Cloud At Its Peril?
Of the £200m so far spent by public sector buyers on the Digital Marketplace, very little seems to have come from NHS CIOs. Why?
Microsoft Updates Its Health App In Time For Band Launch
Microsoft is preparing the site for the landing of its wearable device, the Band, in the UK.
NHS Choices Site Racks Up A Billion Visitors
The site, which sets out to provide comprehensive health information to help UK citizens make better choices about their lifestyles as well as how to access local NHS services, says visits still going up.
NHS Scotland Staff Violate Data Protection Laws 634 Times
NHS workers in Scotland have continually violated data protection controls over the past three years with over 500 instances of abuse of the system recorded in that timeframe including an image of a patient posted onto Facebook.
Welcome To Your Poverty Stricken, But Totally Digital, NHS Of The Future!
Recent waffle about how digital health is going to make our lives better masks the reality of a much less cool, hi-tech cost-cutting agenda. Should we not be more honest about that?
West Country NHS Trust Will Manage Patient Data Via Cloud
Devon Partnership NHS Trust thinks its new cloud dashboard will help provide better mental health and learning disability services.
Work Pressure And Lack Of Tech Means Social Workers Barely See Clients
Mounting admin loads mean a shocking 59% of social workers spend less than 3 hours per day with clients, claims a new report.

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