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"Abysmal" EU Cloud Adoption Dates Revealed
  The growth in high-speed internet connectivity across Europe, the increasing adoption of cloud services, the consumerisation of IT and the move towards mobile working are trends that, in theory, play to the strengths of SMBs.
18% Of SMBs Still Using Windows XP
A study carried out by Bitdefender worked out that SMBs are taking huge security risks by continuing to use the out of date operating system that no longer has Microsoft’s support.
2015: Will It Be The Beginning Of "Bring Your Own Internet Of Things"?
Before the year came to an end, we got the chance to speak to Mark O’Neill, VP of innovation at Axway, about his predictions for 2015.
73% Of Chinese Pro Wearable; Only 27% Of Brits
The UK is behind the curve when it comes to the adoption of wearable technology - both at home and at work, according to a new survey.
Although IT Budgets Are Set To Rise, Recruitment Spending Won't
A new report from Spiceworks has revealed that businesses are spending IT budget on new tech to manage the likes of BYOD, rather than employing new staff members.
Are UK Businesses Failing To Realise The Potential Of Workplace Wi-Fi?
Just a few short years ago, working life heavily revolved around the office as the hub of all activity.
Bridging The Great Divide Between Mobile And Security
Enterprise firms are facing a security headache as they attempt to increase their mobility without risking data loss.
Bring Your Own Internet Of Things: The Hottest New Business Trend?
As businesses get ahead of the trends and learn to maximise the benefits while effectively addressing the potential problems, they'll be well-prepared to make big strides in the coming decades.
BYOD "Flourishing" As Company Data "Grows Wings"
Pick up any business or technology publication and you’ll read about how BYOD (bring your own device) raises a number of data protection concerns due to the fact that devices are owned by the user rather than the employer.
BYOD Could Spell Bring Your Own Disaster
Technology executives need to thoroughly investigate what could go wrong with their mobile strategies before implementation - or risk “bringing their own disaster.”
BYOD Reasearch Reveals 21% Of Companies Allows Access On Unsecured Devices
A large numbers of companies are failing to implement adequate policies and it is a situation that has left over half of IT managers extremely worried.
Case Study: ForeScout Supports Long Road Sixth Form College BYOD Policy
Long Road Sixth Form College is based in Cambridge. With 2200 students, it is one of the largest in East Anglia. The organisation’s IT estate comprises of 50 servers - half virtual, half physical - 1200 PCs, 300 laptops and 150 Macs. Its main aim is to make learning as easy and effective as possible for students while maintaining high levels of examination success.
Case Study: Orleans Park Accelerates Learning With Fastest Wi-Fi Available
Before 2013, Orleans Park School had no wireless Internet access at all. With the help of ICT solutions provider Stone Group, the organisation has gone from nothing to both internal and external wi-fi access that has enabled the school to adopt a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy.
Changes To PSN Needed, Claims Camden CIO
Camden Council CIO John Jackson has claimed that the Public Services Network (PSN) needs to be more flexible and accommodating.
Corrupt Devices And Cloud Services Leading To Loss Of Data
In the past 12 months, 4.6 million UK employees have lost work-related as a result of corrupted and malfunctioning personal devices or cloud services.
Employees Admit They Don't Care About Safety Of Company Files
Bring your own device (BYOD) initiative, in which people use their personal devices for work as well, is a real thing.
Essex County Council Looking Towards The Cloud
Ahead of this year’s Interop London IT event, guest speaker Will Fensom, Head of Architecture, Security & Configuration at Essex County Council, explains why the organisation’s IT modernisation programme was named Enterprise Mobility Project of the Year at the British Computer Society’s annual Excellence Awards.
Four Out Of Ten UK Firms Suffered Mobile Security Breach In Past Year
And a fifth of those companies who were hit found themselves affected by four or more breaches, with UK organisations still not taking mobile security seriously enough.
Government BYOD Guidelines Updated
The UK government’s National Technical Authority for Information Assurance (CESG) has updated its BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) guidance.
How To Create An Effective Cloud Security Strategy
It's important for companies to map out a specific cloud security strategy before storing and sharing their business data via cloud solutions. Here's how to do it.

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