Small and medium sized enterprises are the main target of the tour that is aiming to help SMEs use technology more efficiently and foster collaboration between them.
The UK Parliament has issued a report that argues that the banning of anonymity systems like the Tor network is “not an acceptable policy option.”
Us Brits are renowned for our superior levels of patience and tolerance, but new research from Delphix suggests that this doesn't transfer to the digital world.
TechUK has just published “Securing our Digital Future” - a manifesto for ensuring technology drives the UK economy forward.
The UK has topped the list of countries most under threat from cyber-attack, followed by Germany in second place and Saudi Arabia in third.
Government announces special new fund to boost green initiatives - the Go Ultra Low Cities scheme.
Go.On UK, a charity set up to promote digital skills, raises spectre of huge and on-going 'digital divide.'
Virgin Media has today announced the addition of six more stations across the capital, bringing the service that it launched two years ago up to the landmark figure.
Salaries for IT professionals jumped that high, with day rates also jumping three per cent year-on-year, says a news study.
New figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that just 13 per cent of the UK population’s adults have never gone online.
The UK is behind the curve when it comes to the adoption of wearable technology - both at home and at work, according to a new survey.
The government has committed to a range of pilot projects in all corners of the country that will help to bring broadband to hard to reach areas.
There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who don’t backup their PCs, and those who don’t backup their PCs.
Remote areas in upper Scotland, Wales and some rural areas in England are kept out of the Internet due to poor broadband speed and consistency, confirms new report.
It’s general election time and the chance for the UK’s main political parties to convince the general public that they’re worth voting for.
Management consulting services company Accenture has been selected to manage applications for the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), and the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), the company announced on Monday.
Google is bringing Android Pay to the UK market, and consumers sporting a MasterCard card will be among the first ones to try out the new feature.
The network now covers 281 cities and towns across the country, with 75 per cent of the UK’s population under EE’s 4G umbrella.
The American tech company Apple has called for the British government to change the investigatory powers bill, also known as the Snooper’s Charter.
If you want to earn more money than your friends, consider a career in tech, with median gross annual earnings for tech specialists in 2014 were £36,600 - 35% above what other careers bring in.