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Father Christmas May Spend £17bn Online This Year
The good boys and girls of Adobe analysed how consumers behaved during the Christmas shopping season in the past seven years, and have come up with a prediction on how it might play out this year. Short version: very well for e-commerce. Not so good for Elves.
Millennials Just Love Them A Cyber Xmas
Digital Performance software company Dynatrace today announced the results of a new five-country consumer survey (PDF) on mobile shopping for the 2015 holiday season, revealing that Millennials age 18 to 34 are driving a new era of demand for 'digital performance excellence'.
Slow, Insecure Websites Causing Charities To Miss Millions In Donations
An independent survey carried out by Peer 1 Hosting has found that despite a third of British and America consumers planning on giving more money to charities over the 2014 Christmas period, less than 25 per cent plan to do so online.

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