According to a report by Deloitte, the rise in the number of over 50 smartphone users is to blame for the decline in the average number of monthly downloads.
With 80% of tech roles being filled with men but even 65% of all non-tech roles too, it turns out Apple isn't that unusual when it comes to lack of women in IT.
The Bank of England will be using sentiment from social networks and the net in general to help make decisions on when to move upwards or downwards with interest rates, and other matters.
The lawsuit will be heard on Thursday in Brussels, reports The Guardian.
The legal wrangling between US corporations and the EU over the transfer of user data could potentially have huge consequences for individuals and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic. Get caught up, if this is all news to you.
China has ramped up its online censorship programme by blocking one of the Internet’s largest content delivery networks (CDNs), cutting off the country from large swathes of the web.
China has expanded its censorship programme to include a number of virtual private networks or VPNs.
A shock study says hundreds of Police have been disciplined for a range of social media no-nos, including rmaking inappropriate, racist or threatening comments in cyberspace.
The US' CISA, set to be discussed by the US Senate, is opposed by some of the world’s biggest technology firms. who believe that the legislation could have a negative impact on user privacy.
The Electoral Commission is launching a number of mobile and social media campaigns aimed at encouraging young people to register to vote.
The latest update to Facebook's mobile app has fixed a security flaw that could have seen users' mobile phone bills suddenly increase.
Facebook is about to enter a major case against “Europe” over the collection of European citizen’s data under the “PRISM” programme.
Facebook might not be great pals with Brazil, given it played a part in the PRISM program used by the National Security Agency against US citizens to spy on their social activities, but the two have found common ground on offering internet access in the country.
Facebook has rejected a report from the Centre of Interdisciplinary Law and ICT at the University of Leuven in Belgium, claiming the social network’s privacy policy violates European Union laws.
Sheryl Sandberg wants more women to stand and deliver when it comes to pushing for top jobs in order to create a natural order in the shape of a 50-50 spread between men and women.
Facebook wants everyone to be on Facebook. To do this, it needs to make sure every single person in the world has the ability to get on the internet.
Facebook has withdrawn support for BlackBerry 10 and BB OS as of 31 March 2016. Blackberry has indicated through its own development portal’s change log that the long awaited Facebook app updates – due to be released on 31 March – will actually be only a link to Facebook’s web application. [see_also] Facebook’s decision to...
Social media giant facing a great deal of heat in the European Union, where many countries are concerned with the ways in which the site collects data and in how it uses cookies to track users.
Facebook is pushing its free Internet service into Indonesia, making it the second Asian market to receive the limited Internet service, offering a variety bundle of international and local services including the social network and Wikipedia.
Social media giant denies there's an issue, though,