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Barnet Residents To Pocket Outsourcing Rewards
Outsourcing may be controversial at times – depending on who’s writing the report it’s either a constant source of embarrassment and incomplete tasks or a back door to morally wrong privatized services.
BPO Backchat
As France smarts from the good slapping it got from Standard & Poor's, it appears that it's not only Euroland that's crying out for a little bit of stability and certainty.
Can We Avoid Getting Cloud­ified?
If someone asked me, can any enterprise or organisation in the Western World avoid cloud?’, my response would be ’no!
Closing The Value Gap Through Outcomes Based Sourcing
We are witnessing a turning of the tide in customer management outsourcing across all sectors, in both offshore and home markets as the focus shifts from ‘cost’ to ‘value’.
Cloud Benefits Research Survey 2014
The Outsourcing Unit at the London School of Economics and Political Science is undertaking major research into cloud computing through means of this large-scale survey.
DWP Scraps Monster Embarrassment
It started as such a good idea. There was a problem with unemployment so the Department of Work and Pensions decided to outsource a job board to the people who really know job boards – was the obvious choice.
Government CloudStore: Revolution, Evolution or Window-Dressing?
The recent G-Cloud announcement has been met with a high level of excitement throughout the IT industry. And rightly so - for the first time, it seems, both Small & Medium Enterprises and larger organisations will have equal access to lucrative government IT contracts.
Inmarsat Goes Outsourced
Satellite communications specialist Inmarsat has selected Outbox for customer relationship management for its new wholesale project. Outbox says it specialises in Customer Experience IT (CXIT), which will be a relief to people worrying that the technology industry didn’t have enough acronyms to keep it going.
Is The UK Attractive For Outsourcing Services?
Think outsourcing, now think location. You are probably thinking India, China or perhaps Central Eastern Europe. Think again, were you aware that the UK is fast becoming an attractive location for outsourcing services?
Sharing The Leadership Journey
Moneypenny's Co-Founder, Rachel Clacher shares her three most enduring lessons gained through the experience of watching the business take-off, some great mistakes along the way and the people that play such an important role in making the company what it is today:
Shift From BPO To BPM
In the early part of this millennium, organisations around the world started looking at outsourcing business processes to cut costs and compete better. The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry was founded on the primary goal of providing organisations low-cost options for business process delivery.

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