It is warning customers to close the window on sites that are under investigation for breaching copyright and file sharing services form the brunt of those targeted.
French media is bringing the fight to ad blocking software. According to a report by The Guardian, a number of French digital media outlets have blocked access to its content to users who run an ad blocking software or browser extension. The sites, some of which are major media publications, are part of a trade...
New research shows British customers lose a lot of money by being locked into contracts that have hidden costs.
Online and mobile advertising are the biggest security threats this year, says security software company Trend Micro.
The source of the warning - PageFair and Adobe - also claim the total worldwide hit on the sector could be as high as £50 billion in lost advertising revenue by 2016.
2015 will see the UK become the first country in the world where 50 per cent of all advertising expenditure goes on digital media.
Vloggers, the meshed name used to describe video bloggers, have some new advertising practices to follow.
Google is planning to launch child-friendly versions of some of its services, with YouTube and Chrome expected to be among the first products to receive the feature.