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Android Clearly Now The Dominant Mobile OS
Android continues to gain momentum while Apple’s market share has declined slightly year-on-year.
Android Still Dominates Smatphone OS Market
The latest statistics for smartphones have been released by research firm IDC, and the unsurprising news is that Android is still top of the mobile OS tree by a long way.
Cloud Backup Causes Concern For European SMEs
Almost 60 per cent of companies in Western Europe cited security as a major concern when it comes to backing up data in the cloud.
EMEA Cloud Hardware Spending To Hit $4bn By End Of Year
Larger percentages of hardware funds are being spent on the cloud than ever before and it’s expected to reach some 22 per cent of all spending by 2018.
IDC: G-Cloud Sets The European Government Cloud Standard
Market intelligence firm IDC has claimed that the UK’s government cloud procurement framework G-Cloud is “ahead of the curve.”
IDC: IoT To Top A Trillion Inside Three Years
Global spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) will rise 17 per cent in the next four years, a new prediction by the market watchers suggests.
Internet Of Things "Worth Trillions"
This figure takes into account all known areas of the market, including system shipments, infrastructure, applications, platforms, security, analytics and their associated costs.
Manufacturers: We're Gearing Up For IoT
IDC says manufacturers are significantly transforming their product and service lines to cater for the next wave of connected devices.
Poor Data Archiving Means Businesses Are Losing Millions
While some businesses saw an increase in revenue of more than £6 million, others struggle mining big data archives, a new study has shown.
Rising Healthcare Costs Will Lead To Digitisation
Analyst group IDC has claimed that rising healthcare costs will see many hospitals seek to develop a data-driven digital hospital strategy requiring budget in 2016.
Spend On Cloud To Make Up Half Of All IT Outlays By 2019
That's a global splashing of the cash to the tune of $53bn - £35bn - by the way.
The Disruptive Potential Of IoT
Mark Morley, Director for Manufacturing at OpenText, looks at how the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to become one of the most disruptive technologies to impact digital networks.
The Finance Department Shouldn't Be A "Digital Dinosaur"
Creating streamlined business processes should be a priority for all business leaders – regardless of the industry sector or size of their business.
The power of converged infrastructure in a world of digital diversity
Regardless of their size, sector or geography, most businesses have very similar goals. To enhance productivity, increase sales, create and launch new products and services, and enter new markets. The technology that enables them to achieve these goals weaves through the business in a complex, interdependent web of mobile devices, virtualised environments, CRM processes, networks...
Unlicensed Software Found On 24% of UK PCs
That represents a drop of 3 per cent over the last five years, and that's in contrast to the global average which is up considerably.

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