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"Life Changing" Technology Revealed By Stephen Hawking, Swiftkey And Intel
California chip making giant Intel, British software developers SwiftKey, and Professor Stephen Hawking were in London today unveiling a new communications platform that will help ease communications for disabled people around the world.
Are UK Firms 'Not Getting It' When It Comes To Unified Communications?
Cloud unified communications (UC) specialist Outsourcery says that the full potential of remote working can only be achieved if strong UC tools are in place.
BT Set To Acquire EE For £12.5bn
BT Group has entered “exclusive negotiations” with wireless operator EE, in what could be one of the biggest wireless acquisitions ever in the UK.
Can The Healthcare Industry Be Transformed By Patient Empowerment?
At JiveWorld 2014 we heard from Dr Folkert Asselbergs, consultant cardiologist and founder of patient-led telemedicine platform EMPOWER.
Could 100Gbps 'Net Access Be Within Reach?
Oxford says 'Li Fi' - harnessing light to transfer information at high speeds through the air could open up the next wave of superfast wireless.
Government Denies It Plans To Mess With Encryption - Honest
When asked by Lord Clement-Jones to 'absolutely confirm' if any upcoming legislation will weaken encryption or provide back doors to software, the answer was a positive. So, nothing to worry our little heads about, then.
Have The Tories Found A Way To Get A Snooper's Charter After All?
18 pages of last minute amendments slammed for smuggling in controversial data retention ideas.
How Do Businesses Actually Use Big Data Today?
There was a lot of talk this year about how Big Data was going to change the face of business and the changes we’re going to see in the future thanks to Big Data.
Internet Of Things To Disrupt Both Business And Society
Gartner research indicates that the rapid growth in the number of Internet-connected devices will become a powerful force for business transformation and will have a disruptive impact across all industries and all areas of society.
Ofcom Claims Social Network Use Is Declining
Media regulator Ofcom has found that the use of social networks is on the decline across a number of countries, but most prominently in the UK.
Ofcom To Open Up Frequencies For Mobile Broadband
Ofcom has announced it will soon make more frequencies available to mobile broadband, resulting in increased speeds and a cheaper service.
Opinion: Is Email Dead Or Not?
Mike Bartlett, CEO, Gitter, says it'd be daft to 'throw out your email just yet'!
Protestors In Hong Kong Take Measure To Avoid Censorship
As the pro-democracy demonstrations continue, many protesters have begun using FireChat, a free app that allows users to communicate even without a mobile phone signal.
Silver Surfers Comfortable With E-Talking With Suppliers
In a third of cases, people aged 65 and over say they prefer to communicate with businesses through digital channels, a new study by Echo Managed Services says.
Snooper’s Charter May Actually Be Not That Big A Deal
A lot of dust has been raised in the UK over a proposed bill which would see all encrypted communications apps banned. But how realistic is that really?
UK Employees Want More Social Media Integration
According to new research, 79 per cent of UK employees in mid-market businesses believe social media integration with back-office solutions is essential to improving productivity.

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