The UK Parliament has issued a report that argues that the banning of anonymity systems like the Tor network is “not an acceptable policy option.”
The certainty of a majority government will bring benefits for suppliers to the public sector software and IT services (SITS) market, an analyst at TechMarketView has claimed.
Last week, the Labour and Conservative parties issued their 2015 general election manifestos, with several pledges focused on the UK digital economy.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, claims more politicians need to have coding abilities to effectively legislate on technology.
The Commons Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Committee has launched in inquiry to investigate the digital economy.
£150m Super Connected Cities Scheme for 22 UK cities in order to develop a digital infrastructure seems to be going well, says DCMS.
BT has been heavily criticised for “vastly overestimating” its rural broadband costs by more than £90 million.
A variety of human rights and privacy campaigners and groups have reacted in a negative manner to a new Parliamentary report on massive surveillance.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Select Committee has released a report that calls for a series of actions from the Department to address concerns about Universal Credit (UC).
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee is launching an inquiry into broadband in rural areas.
House of Commons Speaker John Bercow has called for online voting to be available by the 2020 General Election.
All three major UK political parties, Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, have included digital and technology agendas within their manifestos, but do their websites match up with their promises?
The Digital Policy Alliance (DPA) has called upon Internet service providers (ISPs) to take online age verification systems more seriously.
UK government intelligence agencies such as GCHQ are now immune from prosecution for hacking into computers and mobile devices after Parliament quietly amended the law.
The Parliamentary Science and Technology Commons Select Committee has claimed there is a “governance gap” in the use of biometric data.
18 pages of last minute amendments slammed for smuggling in controversial data retention ideas.
The Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has claimed that the Home Office lacks the necessary data to assess the true impact of cuts to Police services.
Controversial new EU internet legislation, which would give ISPs enormous power set for big debate in the Parliament on October 27.
Is there too much rhetoric around immigration in our sector, and not enough realism? The UK Tech sector seems to think so
According to the Public Accounts Committee, installing smart meters to measure energy use will save households just £26 a year on average, despite each meter having a £215 installation fee.