The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) says it has chosen a group of suppliers to deliver a new command and control system in a £90m contract.
The Metropolitan Police Service announced last week its Total Technology Strategy 2014-2017, a plan to completely update its current approach to ICT.
The Metropolitan Police Service is seeking ICT suppliers to provide it with a variety of technology including desktops, laptops, tablets, servers, printers and phones.
The Metropolitan Police Service has revealed it is seeking a supplier for the provision of a Digital Forensics Managed Service Provision.
London’s Metropolitan Police force has opened up a new unit to tackle cyber fraud in the capital that it estimates is vastly under-reported even though there are thousands of cases every year.
500 body-worn video cameras have been acquired by the force and will be distributed across the nine boroughs that are covered by the service.
London's police forces are trialling big data software designed to pin-point gang members in the city most likely to commit violent crimes.
According to a UK channel publication, IT giant Microsoft is negotiating an XP support deal for public sector bodies with the Crown Commercial Service (CCS).