TechUK has just published “Securing our Digital Future” - a manifesto for ensuring technology drives the UK economy forward.
It’s general election time and the chance for the UK’s main political parties to convince the general public that they’re worth voting for.
Last week, the Labour and Conservative parties issued their 2015 general election manifestos, with several pledges focused on the UK digital economy.
The Commons Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Committee has launched in inquiry to investigate the digital economy.
£150m Super Connected Cities Scheme for 22 UK cities in order to develop a digital infrastructure seems to be going well, says DCMS.
The Internet is a hugely important tool globally, and in order to get the most out of it, we are demanding ever faster broadband speeds.
As the dust settles after the drama of election night, many business and HR leaders are now waiting to understand how the Conservative’s manifesto will impact on business.
With the UK’s EU referendum less than four months away, the UK’s thriving economy of fast-growth, tech, and digital business are weighing up the pros and cons of leaving the EU and what a Brexit would mean for the sector.
The globe has entered a "second machine age" that will see more than half of the world's jobs occupied by robots in the near future, according to scientists working at MIT and Oxford University.
Gigaclear, the broadband supplier focusing on rural areas of England, is currently trialling the high-speed fibre broadband service with selected customers, with a full-scale launch expected early next year.
Anthony Sherick, MD of specialist jobsite Technojobs, voices his concerns for the digital economy and urges election campaigns to address the skills shortage in the UK’s fast-growing technology sector.
Regardless of their size, sector or geography, most businesses have very similar goals. To enhance productivity, increase sales, create and launch new products and services, and enter new markets. The technology that enables them to achieve these goals weaves through the business in a complex, interdependent web of mobile devices, virtualised environments, CRM processes, networks...