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A 'Next Gen Skills Academy' May Help UK's Vital Creative Industries Sector
UK Commission for Employment and Skills is collaborating with the likes of Sony and Ubisoft on the project - which has is kicking off with a £6.5m government grant, too.
Data Privacy Day Video Highlights "Shocking" Permissions We Give Apps
To mark International Data Privacy Day, Silent Circle and Blackphone have created a video highlighting the extent to which we give apps permissions on our phones that are actually quite shocking.
Did Paris Attackers Communicate Via The Sony PS4 Network?
According to a news report by the media, a PS4 console was found at the address of one of the suspected ISIS attackers, with experts noting how tough it is to monitor that form of communication.
Opinion: Why Virtual Reality Is Going To Be Unavoidable In 2016...
Pete Borum, co-founder and CEO of video marketer Reelio, sees great potential in the technology.
Sony Unveils New Turnaround Plan
Global tech giant aims to boost its operating profit 25-fold within three years by focusing on its more profitable image sensors, videogame and entertainment businesses.
South Korea Claims North Korea Is Doubling Size Of Cyber Army
The government of North Korea has decided to double the size of its “cyber army”, said the South Korean Defence Ministry on Tuesday.

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