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AnonCoders Holds Polictical Party Website Hostage
From Saturday afternoon, all the way until Tuesday morning, an international hacking group held the Republican Party of Kentucky’s website under its control.
GCHQ Director Issues Isis Social Media Warning
Government intelligence agencies and private sector tech organisations must work together to combat terrorist threats from groups such as Isis (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant).
Hacking Of Rail Signals A Possibility
A government scientist advisor has warned that an upgrade to a hi-tech signalling system in control of all Britain’s train has the potential to be hacked and cause a serious crash.
Is A Snooper's Charter Inevitable After The Anderson Report?
David Anderson's 'A Question Of Trust' says the state does have justification to update its electronic surveillance powers.
MI5 Boss Claims Technology Presents Terrorism Risk
MI5 Director General Andrew Parker has warned against the advances in technology which prevent authorities from intercepting the communications of terrorists.
NSA's Foreign Spying Backed By Privacy Board
A US privacy board has given its support to the NSA's foreign spying operations, declaring them both legal and effective.
Report Warns Against Nefarious Use Of Drones
A report has highlighted the safety, security and privacy issues concerned with the increased use of drones in the UK over the next 20 years.
UK Prime Minister Warns "Internet Cannot Be Ungoverned"
David Cameron has called for governments around the world to do more to prevent the spread of extremist material online.

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